Broken Pipes Can Lead to Plumbing and Other Leaks That Can Cause Costly Damage

These kind of water claims are urgent because the leak needs to be immediately dealt with, and the property must be properly dried out. The sooner this is done, the sooner a public adjuster can document the immediate damage caused by the leak. These documents are then reported on the policyholder’s behalf. The claim is then made on a recorded line with the insurance company.

Plumbing Damage Claim

The different kind of plumbing related claims could be broken supply lines, drain lines, broken AC leaks, ice maker lines, or broken dishwasher lines. When a pipe bursts, the damages caused by the water from the leak is covered but not the actual pipe(s). Many policies in the State of Florida now have caps up to $10,000 for water damages. Therefore, you need to read your policy before putting a claim to make sure the carrier will cover for all of the expenses. 

When filing a plumbing damage claim, you have to strike while the iron is hot, or in this case, wet. It is vital that we are able to document the entire history of the damage. Afterwords, the property will need to be water extracted and dried out. This process typically removes drywall, plaster, cabinetry, flooring, and more. If we discover that there’s also mold, we can cover that for you as well through mold remediation. Our adjusters understand the different policies between mold and water and are well equipped to make sure you receive the correct and best claim possible. 

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Working With a Public Adjuster

Our professional public adjusters make sure the inspection is properly done and that nothing left out. It is beneficial to have us there during the first inspection, so we can better negotiate with the insurance company. This will help you get a better first payment. Even if you receive an “under deductible” letter, it is still important to have us by your side so we can accurately document everything and make sure you receive the most out of your claim. We can open the claim for the insured, or re-open an underpaid claim. In the State of Florida most of homeowners have up to 5 years to re-open a water related claim. The fist step to take as soon as you see any leak in your dwelling is to close the main valve to avoid any further damage. Taking pictures is the second step to document a loss, so we recommend to take pictures as soon as you discover any water in your property. 

Types of Claims

Opening Hours:
Open 24 Hours

Office: (954) 533-6557
Mobile: (786) 277-5120

Address: 5400 S University Dr 
Suite 608, Davie, FL 33328


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